Medical Center of McKinney
cardiologist offers highly accurate
‘new age’ cholesterol testing
have gaping margins of
error and can be highly inaccurate. This is not acceptable
for other medical tests, so why should it be for choles-
terol tests?
This is in large part due to the fact that the standard
cholesterol and blood lipid test indirectly calculates four
lipid components—including LDL (bad cholesterol)
levels—and requires fasting for 12 hours. Standard test-
ing does not calculate the
subtype lipids that indicate
increased risk for heart
disease, and results might
reflect a normal cholesterol
value. In addition, routine
cholesterol test results are
affected by triglyceride lev-
els, fasting and coronary
artery disease.
“Patients have come to
me following a heart attack
or stent and do not un-
derstand why it happened
since their tests indicated their cholesterol was normal,”
says Brian Eades, MD, cardiologist on staff at Medical
Center of McKinney. “Well, their cholesterol wasn’t
normal; the test was wrong. It’s unfortunate because
these tests lead people to think they are OK, when all
of a sudden they experience a serious or even a fatal
cardiac event.”
Ready for the good
news? Advanced technology has led to the discovery of
the VAP+ cholesterol test.
What’s so special about VAP+ testing?
The VAP+ test breaks down the components of cho-
lesterol and identifies people likely to develop coronary
artery disease and diabetes.
It directly calculates LDL, HDL (healthy cholesterol),
triglyceride levels, and subtypes of lipoproteins.
Earlier detection of abnormal lipid levels gives your
physician the opportunity to design an individualized
treatment plan that might prevent cardiac damage and
monitor your response to therapy.
The VAP+ test requires one blood sample, drawn at
any time, and no fasting is necessary.
This test also indicates key cholesterol markers for
insulin resistance or a prediabetic status called metabolic
The VAP+ test directly computes LDL and 15 lipid
components, achieving a higher level of accuracy and
predictability of risk.
It also tests for genetically inherited particles in the
bloodstream that are invisible in standard cholesterol
“The VAP+ test has been around for about 10 years but
hasn’t been widely known because it was used primar-
ily in the academic world for detailed research analysis,”
Dr. Eades says. “Fortunately, the VAP+ test has become
more mainstream as well as more affordable in recent
years. The VAP+ test enables us to really drill down on
what the problem is with a patient’s lipid panel. It checks
LDL particle size and the LDL particle count in a much
more detailed way. In short, the results of VAP+ testing
provide much more accurate information to support pre-
ventive care as well as continued care for heart disease
or diabetes.”
the term
minimally invasive
become increasingly commonplace in the world of mod-
ern medicine? Such is certainly the case with endoscopic
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a
minimally invasive procedure performed to assess
digestive (gastrointestinal) and lung diseases. It uses
high-frequency sound waves to produce detailed images
of the lining and walls of your digestive tract and chest
as well as nearby organs, such as the pancreas, liver and
lymph nodes. When combined with a procedure called
fine-needle aspiration, EUS allows doctors to sample, or
biopsy, fluid and tissue from your abdomen or chest for
analysis. In short, EUS, with fine-needle aspiration, is a
minimally invasive (there’s that term again!) alternative
to exploratory surgery.
“Endo s c op i c u l t r a -
sound procedures are per-
formed through a natural
orifice—mouth or anus,”
says Manmeet Padda, MD,
board-certified gastroen-
terologist on staff at Medi-
cal Center of McKinney.
“And, since no incisions are
made, patients tend to have
quicker recovery times and
less discomfort.”
Much like in an upper endoscopy or
colonoscopy, during an EUS procedure, the doctor passes
an endoscope (a thin, flexible lighted tube with a camera
on the end) through the patient’s mouth to inspect the
esophagus, stomach and duodenum. EUS uses a special
endoscope called an echoendoscope with an ultrasound
probe on the tip. The doctor can examine the organs
around the digestive tract through ultrasound images
using high-frequency sound waves. This gives the doctor
a clear image of the patient’s digestive organs. Usually
the procedure takes about 30 minutes and is done as an
outpatient procedure.
“Endoscopic ultrasound is a marvelous tool for the
field of gastroenterology,” Dr. Padda says. “It allows us
to get much clearer images than those provided by CT
scans. With a regular camera, it is only possible to see
superficial layers of the gastrointestinal tract. Yet, with
the advanced technology of the EUS, the images are not
only clearer, but we are able to rotate and manipulate
the camera to any angle necessary in order to see and
penetrate deeper into the stomach wall. Organs such as
the liver, pancreas and lymph nodes can be seen very
thoroughly with this procedure.”
Uses of EUS include:
Determining the stage of cancer of the esophagus,
stomach, pancreas and rectum.
Determining the stage of lung cancer.
Evaluating chronic pancreatitis and other masses or
cysts of the pancreas.
Studying bile duct abnormalities, including stones in
the bile duct or gallbladder and tumors in the bile duct,
gallbladder or liver.
Studying the muscles of the lower rectum and anal
canal when evaluating reasons for fecal incontinence.
Analyzing submucosal lesions such as nodules or
bumps that may be hiding in the intestinal wall covered
by normal-appearing lining in the intestinal tract.
“We are so pleased to offer this advanced, minimally
invasive procedure to patients within the surrounding
community,” Dr. Padda says. “It’s one less reason to ven-
ture out since comprehensive care is available right here
at Medical Center of McKinney.”
VAP+ offers a more detailed
analysis of blood than a standard
test and provides better information
for preventive care or ongoing care
for heart disease and diabetes.
Brian Eades, MD
Manmeet Padda, MD
W W W. M E D I C A L C E N T E R O F M C K I N N E Y. C O M
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